A while ago I was on this crusade to collect fonts that were used on Grant Lee Buffalo CD's. I found a few of them. They are all in Windows format, but I am keeping an eye out for Mac format. I also found a program for the Mac that converts PC fonts to Mac fonts, in case someone is hellbent upon getting a font. Umm... yes.

Click to download. They are zipped up. Unzip them to your windows/fonts directory. If you have a mac, then, um, I don't know.

There are several typewriter fonts that look good, but this one is the best.
McGary True Type

Alright, this one isn't even close to it. It's kind of cute, though.
Spill Milk True Type

This is like the low-fat version of what's used on the Jubilee CD.
Carnival Open True Type

Similar. Very similar.
Onyx BT

Kind of bimpy.
Dogwood True Type

Now THIS one is exact. Actually, Bill Bonk told me he used this one on the GLB page. So he gets more points.
Edition True Type

This one is prettier than that "Dogwood" one up there.
Tunderbird True Type

I found this one while doing a report on Thomas Paine's "Age of Reason". Not like it matters or anything. Oh alright I'll shut up.
PonchoVia True Type